Beowulf sets out on his journey for Daneland. Hrothgar welcomes Beowulf. Beowulf waits for Grendel to attack Heorot. Beowulf succeeds in defeating Grendel by tearing off his arm. Beowulf fights with Grendel's mother. Beowulf sets out for his Geatish homeland.
Read this excerpt from "The Medicine Bag.” All I could do was stand there with the whole neighborhood watching and shake the hand of the leather-brown old man. I saw how his gray hair straggled from under his big black hat, which had a drooping feather in its crown. His rumpled black suit hung like a sack over his stooped frame. As he shook my hand, his coat fell open to expose a bright red satin shirt with a beaded bolo tie under the collar. His get-up wasn’t out of place on the reservation, but it sure was here, and I wanted to sink right through the pavement.
Which is a symbol of the grandpa's heritage in this excerpt?
the handshake, the drooping feather, the rumpled black suit, the neighborhood
The drooping feather
From the excerpt above, the symbolism of the drooping feather is such that it is not a common sight to see someone put it on a crown without a special reason or need to do so and it is meant to send a particular message to anyone that sees it.
So, we can infer that is in fact the symbol of the grandpa's heritage in this excerpt because it symbolizes heritage.
I think you should answer this on your opinion
above all characterized by physical and mental hardness. Physically, he has a large, muscle-bound, imposing frame. Tom’s body is a “cruel body” with “enormous power” that, as Nick explains, he developed as a college athlete. Tom’s strength and bulk give him an air of danger and aggression, as when he hurts Daisy’s finger and she calls him a “brute of a man, a great, big, hulking physical specimen…” Tom’s physical appearance is echoed in his mental inflexibility and single-minded way of thinking about the world. Just as Tom uncritically repeats racist things he’s read in books, he remains unshakable regarding his troubled marriage with Daisy. At the end of the book, even after it becomes clear that both Tom and Daisy have cheated on each other, Tom stubbornly maintains that they have always loved each other and that they always will, no matter what. Taken together, Tom’s physical and mental hardness produce a brutish personality that uses threats and violence to maintain control.
Tom’s brutish personality relates to the larger arc of his life. According to Nick, Tom peaked very early in his life. He was a nationally known football star in his youth, but after his time in the spotlight ended and fame faded away, everything else in Tom’s life felt like “an anticlimax.” In Chapter 1 Nick posits that Tom has always sought to recapture the thrill of his youth, and his failure to do so infuses his life with a sense of melancholy. It is perhaps this sense of melancholy that contributes to Tom’s evident victim complex. Early in the book Tom describes a racist book he’s read. The book has clearly left him feeling anxious, and he even expresses his absurd belief that “the white race will be . . . utterly submerged.” A rich man, Tom has no reason to feel victimized in this way. Nor does he have reasonable cause to feel victimized when he learns about Daisy’s history with Gatsby, since he himself has engaged in a far worse extramarital affair. Nevertheless, jealousy gets the better of him and he once again uses threats and demands to reassert a sense of control.
Aaron failure best illustrates the Change Blindness case.
Lets discuss deeply about the Aaron case,
When Aaron momentarily turned around to pick up his suitcase and turned back but could not observe that he was now speaking with a different desk agent, which is strange but it happens in the change blindness case. When a person can not detect the sudden change. It is a type of visual deficiency. So it is apparent that Aaron must be suffering from change blindness.
Change blindness is some type of perceptual wonder that can happen with the person, who does not experience the visual change and could not observe it.
- Let`s say it occurs when somebody has the poor capacity to identify changes, that has been contended to reflect principal impediments of human consideration.
- It may have significant ramification, for example, observer declaration and interruptions while driving.