Percentage total return is 12.64%
Dividend yield is 2.19% or 2%
Computing the percentage total return by using the formula:
Percentage total return = Gain or loss / Initial price × 100
Gain or loss is determined as:
Gain or loss = Ending Share price - Initial price
= $98 - $87
= $11 (it is a gain)
Initial price is $87
Putting the values above:
Percentage total return = $11 / $87 × 100
= 12.64%
Computing the dividend yield by using the formula:
Dividend yield = Annual dividend per share / Stock's price per share
Annual dividend per share is $2.15
Stock's price per share is $98
Putting the values above:
Dividend yield = $2.15 / $98
= 2.19% or 2%