Refer to this portion of a dichotomous key to answer the question.1. (a) Has a single dorsal fin ® 5 (b) Has a double dorsal fin
® 25. (a) Has a small fin on back near tail ® 6 (b) Has no fin on back near tail ® 76. (a) Has barbs near the mouth ® Catfish (b) Does not have barbs near the mouth ® 107. (a) Tail is asymmetrical ® Sturgeon (b) Tail is symmetrical ® 8What would the result be when identifying a fish with a single dorsal fin, no fin on its back near the tail, and a tail that is asymmetrical?
The key has a series of dichotomies which are decisions that need to be made at different points and thus decide whether to go on one direction or the other until you reach one end of the key or the other. In this case, one end leads to Sturgeon and the other to Catfish. Both fish are similar in that they have a shark-like body. However, the sturgeon is the one that has a combination of the characters: A single dorsal fin, no fin on its back near the tail, and an asymmetrical tail (one lobe is longer than the other).
The gametes are haploid, having half the number of cells as compared to somatic cells. The gametes or s#x cells produced by the organism will have 6 chromosomes if the organism has 12 chromosomes.