A microprocessor is a computer processor where the data processing logic and control is included on a single integrated circuit. A computer need microprocessors to perform the functions of a computer's central processing unit.
dominoes, fans, PVC pipe, magnets, duct tape, marbles, cups or bowls, miniature toy cars, paper towel tubes, string.
dominó, abanicos, tubos de PVC, imanes, cinta adhesiva, canicas, tazas o cuencos, carros de juguete en miniatura, tubos de toallas de papel, cuerdas.
<span>When all forces acting on an object cancel out, and there is no movement, the force is called A. balanced force. A balanced force for example is a vase in the inclined plane stopped by a box. The force exerted by the box to the vase is equal to the sine of the weight of the base where the two cancels out. </span>