III) Letter Conclusion<span>Practical MattersIndividual GreetingsPersonal Postscript<span>Doxology (or Prayer)</span></span>I) Letter Beginning<span>Sender(s): From whomRecipient(s): To whomFormulaic Greeting<span>Thanksgiving (or Blessing)
</span></span>II) Letter Body<span>Initial ExhortationThesis StatementTheological Discussions<span>Ethical Admonitions
Curtailing freedom can affect the mind of a child by not allowing it to develop as it should.
The growth stage of a child is essential for him to become a healthy adult. Anything that affects their development can have great consequences in the future.
A child's mind develops based on their environment as they learn from the things around them. If a child does not have freedom, his mind will be limited and it will not be a healthy environment for the child's development.