My favorite food is pepperoni pizza with that stuffed crust and my favorite color is lime green!!
Make stuff.
Screen your films to a live audience.
Build your own team.
Work on other people's films.
Meet other filmmakers.
Filmmaking is not just about directors, cameras, and lights.
Learn your trade.
Post Production needs you.
i think
. Here is an extract from that conversation: Catholic Social Doctrine says the profit motive is permissible, but does ...
uhm yeah
Have clarity of thought before speaking out
Before you try and get your point across to others, you should be very clear yourself on what you are hoping to convey.
Arranging your thoughts before verbalising them can help you communicate much more clearly and succinctly.
You're much more likely to stay on point, and your listeners are much less likely to be left bored or confused.
It's a better idea to say something like, "I've got a few ideas here. Let me go through them one at a time. We can treat each one on its own merit."
Then, you can give the first one, discuss it, before giving the next one.
If you're unsure that your point has come across as you intended it to, you can also ask your listeners if the point you've made is clear. Whereas, if you've just given a whole lot of points at once, you're then going to get questions from all over the place.
The issues that had to be dealt with when restoring Leonardo's last supper included all of the above: the experimental method used by Leonardo, the work of earlier restorers, changing levels of heat and humidity, and <span>a bomb falling on the monastery.
Leonardo was known for his experimental style of painting, many other artists tried to restore his painting, heat and humidity also had an effect on the painting, and in 1943, a bomb fell on </span><span>Santa Maria delle Grazie, where Last Supper was located, almost destroying the painting in the process.</span>