The greatest gravitational potential energy is at apogee. The greatest kinetic energy is at perigee. Total Energy is constant.
The gravitational potential energy is at its greatest when the satellite is farthest from the earth, this point is called the apogee. And at this point the kinetic energy will be at its minimum.
The kinetic energy is greatest when the satellite is closest to the earth, this point is the perigee. And at this point the gravitational potential energy will be at a minimum level.
the total energy is the sum of the gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energy.As the satellite orbits the earth, the kinetic energy and the gravitational potential energymay be interchanged but the total energy will remain unchanged.
These 9 technological innovations shape the sustainability agenda
Public electric transport.
Electric trucks.
Cheap energy storage.
Long-term storage.
Plastic recycling.
LED light efficiency.
Accessible solar power.
Carbon capture and storage.
The Quebec-City-Windsor Corridor
The population density of Canada is 4 people/km².
The most densely-populated urban areas are Vancouver and Montreal (4800/km²).
The most densely populated region of Canada (80/km²) is the Quebec-City-Windsor Corridor. It contains almost half the population of Canada.
There are two main reasons for this.
(a) Climate
The region is entirely below the 47th parallel, so the summers are warm, the winters are not harsh, and the area is suitable for agriculture.
(b) Location
The corridor is close to the border with the United States and carries the bulk of Canada's trade with them. It makes sense for people to live as close to the US border as possible.
It can be availability of raw materials cheaply and abundantly
Government policies
Labour, both skilled and unskilled
Closeness to market