As I was going up the stair, I saw a man that wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today! Oh, how I wish he'd go away
The Birds flew south to their winter home.
When you study basic English Grammar one of the first topics is the personal pronouns:
I ( Singular)
You ( Singular or plural)
He ( Singular)
She ( Singular)
It ( Singular)
We (Plural)
They (Plural)
The Pronoun The birds must be substituted by They flew south.....
hi I j need points im sorry
It could be bold print because authors use bold print to signal important information or new words. Hope I’m right :)
Jane is a prototype of a sweet, innocent, romantic girl who waits for her prince to come and take her into the sunset. In a way, this is what a girl was supposed to be in the harsh Victorian society. She should exhibit a sweet, angelic nature. On the other hand, Elizabeth is a strong willed individual, who has her own persuasions - or at least aspires to them. She is not a passive observer, but tries to build her own life. Being a complicated person herself, she doesn't readily trust what people say or do. That's why she eventually falls in love with Mr. Darcy, even though he has been repulsive from the very beginning of the novel. But even though in love, she isn't blind; she realizes that they are compatible souls, and that is the main reason she marries him.