Draw steps of a person who wants something and the other person is listening. Then draw them going to or getting the thing they want.
Answer:The hate for people of color, is just as it was from 1700's to now in America. It's just hidden, swept under the rug. On application's why do they ask for our RACE & ETHNICITY???? To prepare themselves for people of COLOR???? May GOD BLESS America & help all of us to love one another COLORED BLIND, where race & our ethnicity doesn't matter. America can start the ball rolling by making it mandatory that we have to know the true American history, BLACK,HISPANIC,INDIANS, ASIAN'S we all helped in making America great!!!!!! And stop teaching clombus founded America!!!! Indians & Hispanics where here way before clombus landed on America's shores
Wilson took advantage of the Republican split, winning 40 states and a large majority of the electoral vote
The explorer Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502. He was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia, but he never did. Instead, he accidentally stumbled upon the Americas.