The Holy Roman Empire faced many territorial challenges.
The first challenge was in Italy: the Italian states that were part of the Holy Roman Empire were separated from the German hinterland by the Alps, which imposed a communication barrier that made it very difficult for Emperors to hold control over these lands.
In what is now Germany, there were also territorial issues. The land was divided among countless states: duchies, counties, princedoms, fiefdoms, city-states, and so on, something that made coordination at the imperial level very difficult.
As centuries passed, the Holy Roman Empire lost control over several possessions: it lost most of the Low Countries, and the Italian city-states like the Duchy of Milan and the Republic of Venice became fully independent.
The United States first began developing nuclear weapons in 1939, during World War II, under the order of President Franklin Roosevelt. Motivation was the fear that US was engaged in a race with Nazi Germany to develop nuclear weapon. This project is best known as Manhattan Project.
Caliphs and the Ummayad Caliphate.
Should try quizlet for this Answer
Theory by Darwin.
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller remembered as the rich men who owned larger companies. Both supported the theory of social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is a theory related to the survival of the fittest in society. The theory given by Charles Darwin, which points to evolution. Wealth is in the hands of a few people due to economic struggle. Money ends up remaining in the hands of those who grow their wealth by using their skill and strength.