For free market economy, we can explain it in 3 expects. First, because households are the 'owners' of productive resources, firms have to pay them for their resources in the resource market, they can produce everything they want, the type and amount of products are determined by every individual firms, but they should produce the goods and service that other companies or household want, and can make the maximum profits, more profits, more motive for the producers. Prices are determined by householders.
While For the centrally planned economy, (it is also called command economy), all the resources (land, labour and capital) in the market are allocated by government, and it makes all the productive decisions, including price determination, so, the centrally planned economy is a government-controlled economic situation. First, a centrally planned economy may choose to produce whatever the government decides is most crucial to meeting society's needs, the government should provide services and goods that can cater to the people's need. Like in the 19th and 20th centuries period, in China, Mao Zedong realized that China is under a low level of heavy industry, so he decided to develop it first, then the light industry, this decision is sensible and realistic.
Creme Puff
Born in 1967 and deceased in 2005
Lived 38 years and 3 days
Answer:Unanimity is impossible; the rule of a minority as a permanent arrangement, is wholly inadmissible; so that rejecting the majority principle, anarchy, or despotism in some form, is all that is left.
canals were built primarily in the north
The principal reform called for, is the elimination of the national origins quota system and the overview of numeric limits on immigration from the western hemisphere laterally with the strong claim for immigrant workers by the US employers led to rising numbers of unauthorized immigrants in the united states in the decades after 1965 especially in the southwest. Policies in the immigration and control act 1986 that were intended to curtail migration across the mexican united states border ran many unofficial workers to settle lastingly in the united states. The demographic trends developed a central part of anti-immigrant activism from the 1980s prominent to greater border militarization rising hesitation of migrants by the border patrol and a focus media on the theoretical criminality of immigrants.