While Babur was unique in that his empire, called the Mughal Empire, embraced religious tolerance, subsequent leaders differed in their embrace of different religions. Those effects continue to impact the relationship between Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs, the three largest religious groups in India today.
It remade Europe after the downfall of French Emperor Napoleon I and tried to restore old boundaries as well as resizing the main powers so they could balance each other and remain at peace.
By The German Radio. Back In WW2 Germans Were Forbidden To Use Radios Other Than The Ones Given To Them By Hitler. ( If They Were Caught With Outside World Radios They Were Killed) The Nazi Radio Transmitted The Laws And German Victorys And Other News
I am going to presume after the ww2 bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki you mean. in that case the Japanese had to become allies and japan was changed to a democratic state under the power of their allies. popular culture dominated although traditional arts continued.