Hi again! Here are my notes on Italy from my geography class last year:
<em>Geography of Italy</em>
Italy is a boot-shaped country to the south of the nations of France, Austria, Slovenia, and Switzerland. Sharing a Mediterranean culture with the Greeks, the Romans built on and borrowed from the Greek advances in civilization. Rome was the capital of what would become a far-reaching empire that would spread these ideas around the known world 1500-2000 years ago. Ideas like trial by jury, judges, plaintiffs, and defendants in court systems came from Rome. Engineering of architecture, roads, aqueducts, Roman baths, and the formation of the Catholic religion all came from the Roman culture. Art, music, literature, and the sciences were all made more sound by the Renaissance, which started in Rome and influenced the world. Along with Greece, Italy is part of the European Union, and its economy is based on textiles and industrial products.
Because time varies with change in longitudes
Staten Island is among the boroughs of New York City, dwelled in the southwestward portion of the town. Staten Island remains the Southern portion of New York, including Organization Residence Park near the south point of the archipelago including the state. This area is isolated from New Jersey. A 2014 Statistics predicted group of 473,279, Staten Island is the slightest populated of the five boroughs although is the third plentiful within the area of 59 square miies.
Staten Island is commensurate with Richmond County, and till 1975 this Staten Island was authoritatively nominated as the Borough of Richmond. The banner was later modified to display this but still the conventional sticker was kept constant. Staten Island was seldom termed "the abandoned area" by citizens that appeared undervalued by the municipality administration.
The fear of being alone: Autophobia.