Radiation therapy.
Targeted drug therapy.
Are a few ways they will treat or get rid of cancer.
But this dose not aways work.
The nucleus contains protons & electrons
The term he used of having to assert that humans have an
inborn mechanism in which they have the capability of mastering language is
called the language acquisition device. This is a tool in which an individual
has that enables them to learn or acquire language that they may be able to
understand them.
Hi my name is Kaylee and im 14 in class 8 also
Similarities :
(1) The source of both the religion is vedic religion and both and indebted to Upanishads
(2) Both Gautam Buddha and Mahavir belonged to princely families and not to priestly families.
Dis-similarities :
(1) Difference regarding conception Moksha :
According to Buddhism, a man attains Moksha when he ends all the desires and can attain it while living in the world. But according, to Jainism Moksha is freedom from miseries and can be attained only after death.
(2) Means of attainment of Moksha:
According to Buddhist Sangha is proper for attainment of Moksha and they hate self-mortifications and severe penances. Jainism believes in fasts and severest penances.