according to Frumentius returned to Ethiopia, he was welcomed with open arms by the rulers who were at the time not Christian.
Answer: b. The Pilgrims
The Plymouth colony was the second successful English colony in what would become the United States. It was founded by a specific group of Puritans who came to be known as the Pilgrims.
These Puritans did not want to reform the Anglican Church like the others but instead wanted complete separation from it. To this end, they came to the Americas to escape the Anglican Church and start a society based on their specific rules and doctrine.
The answer is A. Hope it helps
Sputnik - Soviet Union
Vanguard and Explore - United States
Su economía se basaba en la agricultura, artesanías y en el abastecimiento a través de guerras contra otras culturas vecinas. Eran politeístas, es decir, adoraban a muchos dioses. Realizaban diversos rituales muy ligados al arte.