Next early law enforcement efforts in colonial America are discussed thought that the quality of men that were chosen to be police officers would further contribute to the organization’s regarding the actions of police officers, they had very little recourse, as police. 1840s continues through the progressive periods
They have this belief that God is one and is concerned with the actions of mankind. It was also proven that God manifested himself to Abraham and promise him with descendants and a nation named Canaan. It was later on proven by God's interference on the slavery done on the Israelites by the Egyptian which has led to Exodus to Canaan and the foundation of the 10 commandments. Through this occurrences it has proven that connecting to a God can save a race and a nation from intruders.
When it was manifest destiny. The gold rush made them rich
Among them was the idea that all people are created equal, whether European, Native American, or African American, and that these people have fundamental rights, such as liberty, free speech, freedom of religion, due process of law, and freedom of assembly. America's revolutionaries openly discussed these concepts.
3. They did a good job, in my opinion. The reason for this is that at the time, very few civilizations (if any at all) had a large road network that kept the civilization well connected and allowed for "fast" information transport. This was not the case in the Assyrian empire, where local governors were required to maintain roads and road stations at strategic points, allowing for faster communication as a result of improved infrastructure.
4. The Assyrian and Babylonian empires were two kingdoms that coexisted. Their cultures were exactly the same. Everything is the same: language, laws, religion... This culture was either descended from Sumerian and Akkadian societies or entirely created by the Assyrian-Babylonians.