Daniel arap Moi ran for office in multiparty elections in 1992 and in 1997, then 1964 to 1978. From 1964 to 1978, he served as the Vice President of Kenya. He was nicknamed ”Professor of Politics” as he served in the country of Kenya for twenty-four years
Algeria had the highest life expectancy at birth in Africa as of 2019. A newborn infant was expected to live 78 years in the country. Lybia, Morocco, Tunisia, and Mauritius followed, with a life expectancy of 76 years. On the other hand, Central African Republic registered the lowest average, at 53 years
The correct answer is C. Glacier
In the image, you can see the water cycle, and there are four letters, A, in the part of the sea; B on the earth's surface; the C below the Earth's surface, and the D in the mountains. In the area where the D is, there are glaciers on the mountain peaks caused by the low temperatures in the area. In addition, a glacier is a mass of ice formed on the earth's surface by the accumulation of snow on mountain peaks, in Antarctica, the Arctic, and Greenland. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Glaciar.
Altitude and relief features.
- In Ethiopia, the climate changes mostly with altitudes and stays from hot to arid and to cool in plateaus. As t located near the equator, the country has variations in climate throughout the year.
- There exist various plateaus such as Ethiopian highland and mountainous ranges in the country which is responsible for the different climate of the places.
b. Antarctica's ice
Earth is flatter at the South Pole than the North Pole because of the weight of the Antarctica's ice.
The Antarctica ice cap is the largest single mass of ice on earth. It covers almost 14 million square kilometers and it weighs 26,500,000 Gigatons.
As a result of this heavy weight, it compresses the South Pole of the earth causing the earth to be flatter at the South Pole.
This gives the Earth its slight pear shape.