Yes, indeed I shall, Torvald. But I can't get on a bit without you to help me; I have absolutely forgotten the whole thing.
Oh, we will soon work it up again.
Yes, help me, Torvald. Promise that you will! I am so nervous about it — all the people — . You must give yourself up to me entirely this evening. Not the tiniest bit of business — you mustn't even take a pen in your hand. Will you promise, Torvald dear?
I promise. This evening I will be wholly and absolutely at your service, you helpless little mortal. Ah, by the way, first of all I will just — (Goes toward the hall-door.)
The real answer on Edg. is A) the quality of being unchanged from the original state
The given poem above is actually written by Walt Whitman which is entitled "<span>In Cabin'd Ships at Sea". In this poem, we can notice the structure that the author used here which is the "long-line structure", and the reason why he chose this structure so that he can include a list. Hope this helps.</span>