When Prussia was hit by famine in 1744, King Frederick the Great, a potato enthusiast, had to order the peasantry to eat the tubers. In England, 18th-century farmers denounced S. tuberosum as an advance scout for hated Roman Catholicism. “No Potatoes, No Popery!” was an election slogan in 1765. France was especially slow to adopt the spud. Into the fray stepped Antoine-Augustin Parmentier, the potato’s Johnny Appleseed.
In 1990 the country that invaded Kuwait causing the United States and United Nations to intervene is Iraq.
<em>The Vietnam war was pushed to new limits, Richard Nixon told the people of the United States that they were close to ending the war and wrapping it up. But it was quite the opposite, we were stuck in a war we did not know how to win, with a president who did not understand how to get out of it or win it. We were bombing the Vietnamese daily for no reason, wasting our supply. The American people were being lied to and had to suffer for a term almost.</em>
If you are talking about racism, people would be protesting for years. If you’re talking about the hippies, they promoted peace and love, and no war.