b. Does this site contain too much information?
Most of the time, the more information there is, the better. However, you should verify that the information given is factual, or, if you are using it to back up an argumantary essay, that it supports your point of view.
When Milo asks it to wait, he answered with his weight.
This bird has untidy feathers, long beaks and grey. It liked chaos and was a nuisance. Ironically, he is from a place called context and yet he likes to take every speech out of context. He twists what people say.
As an example in this story, after the bird flies away, Milo shouts at it to wait but the bird replied out of context by saying thirty four pounds which is weight.
explaining paperwork. handling questions and complaints. documenting information
this is the correct answer on edge
May i have the answer choices please. You cannot simply answer this without the answers.