Paper and printing. Also the compass was a development from the Tang Dynasty as well
Instead of levying a duty on trade goods, the Stamp Act imposed a direct tax on the colonists. Specifically, the act required that, starting in the fall of 1765, legal documents and printed materials must bear a tax stamp provided by commissioned distributors who would collect the tax in exchange for the stamp.
Hi , the answer is that he helped win repeal of the Stamp act.
In 1914, Japan controlled the Japanese Archipelago, the Korean peninsula, and the island of Taiwan. It also had control over the southern half of the Sakhalin Peninsula.
Japan's presence in mainland territory of Asia allowed it to extract raw materials and labor power from this places, to trade more easily with the surrounding areas, and these areas also served it as a base for further territorial expansion, which the country would engage in in the following two decades and until World War II.
Indeed, the city of El Paso has a series of positive characteristics that influence the decision of many Mexicans to emigrate to that city.
On the one hand, the proximity of El Paso to Mexico means that the immigrants who decide to relocate there continue to live very close to their country of origin, which means that the culture shock is not so great. In addition, the use of the Spanish language is remarkable, which facilitates its integration into the labor and social circuit of the city almost immediately.
On the other hand, the economic characteristics of the city are much better than those of most of Mexico, with which, in a similar environment in cultural terms, immigrants can obtain much greater economic benefits, which in turn encourages more immigration.