IMMIGRATION --- <em>Carlos is moving from Mexico to the United States because he got a job in a bank. He had his interview last month, and the bank agreed to hire him because he was willing to work for 10% less than most American workers, even though he has the same qualifications.</em>
Immigration is the entry into a country or region of people who were born or come from another place.
FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT --- <em>A US supermarket chain is going to open a few supermarkets in Europe because a recent survey showed that the chain has a huge potential for profits in Europe.</em>
Foreign Direct Investment is the placement of long-term capital in some part of the world, for the creation of agricultural, industrial and service companies, with the purpose of becoming international.
OUTSOURCING --- <em>A renowned US information technology firm has recently signed a contract with a company based in the Philippines. The Filipino company will handle the accounts of the US firm. The US firm made this decision to reduce labor costs.</em>
Outsourcing is the economic process in which a commercial company transfers the resources and responsibilities related to the fulfillment of certain tasks to an external company, which precisely is dedicated to the provision of different specialized services.