Correct answer is Kashmir.
A is not correct as Catalonia is located in Spain.
B is correct as it is region in Northern India, which is a question of dispute between India and Pakistan.
C is not correct as Palestine is historical region in the Near East.
D is not correct as Bangladesh is an independent country in southeastern Asia.
There, ecosystem services are grouped into four broad categories: provisioning, such as the production of food and water; regulating, such as the control of climate and disease; supporting, such as nutrient cycles and oxygen production; and cultural, such as spiritual and recreational benefits.
The conflict which exists today between Canadians of French ancestry and Canadians of British ancestry is that there still exists phonetic tensions, as the country is now officially bi-lingual and Quebec speaks everything in French, while the other provinces conduct mostly everything in English. There are also some French Canadian separatists, who want Quebec to be it's separate country from the rest of Canada.
Bands of soft rocks like clay and sand are very weak in which they can be eroded very quickly. Since cliff and coastline doesn't erode at the the same pace, an inlet of the sea to where the land curves inward forming a bay. Once soft rocks are eroded inward, the hard rocks are able to stick to the sea to form a headland