The neolithic era began when some groups of humans gave up their pneumatic hunter gatherer lifestyle completely to the beginning farming. It may have taken humans hundreds or even thousands of years to transition fully from the lifestyle of subsisting on wild plants to keeping small gardens and later trending large crab feilds.
Well actually I don't know but I do know that women were payed less than men and that a women would be thought of a some kind of maid.
Because, they did not have the proper equipment to go to war and win. And they were so young of a colony.
The answer for above statement is:
C. Since federal powers are superior, the Constitution makes the decision.
The States are allowed to seek out answer and create a decision about the difficulty. There are equal powers with the Federal and States thus, the difficulty may be debated.
Since federal powers are superior, the Constitution makes the choice. The national government shall produce specific rules for every of the States.