The voice in your head that tells you right from wrong
It's like when you get tempted to do some, the devils on your shoulder tells you to do it and the angel tells you no to do it.
objective social class
Most of us have a sense of a hierarchy in society, from low to high, based on income, wealth, power, culture, behavior, heritage and prestige. ... A focus on objective social class entails a direct determination of a person's social class based on socioeconomic variables -- mainly income, wealth, education and occupation
fake tree because they're less dangerous I guess and you can put it away for next Christmas while a real tree would probably dry up or root. hope that helps
Answer: c. insane
The narrator of this excerpt complains that other people characterize him as insane (<em>"why will you say that I am mad?"</em>) and he wants to deny the credibility of this claim. He says that he might be nervous, but he is not mad. In fact, his senses are sharper than ever, as he can hear everything, including what goes on in Heaven and Hell. This fact, intended to convince us of his sanity, proves that he is indeed insane.
One question I have always had was how movies actually work.
Whenever I was younger every time I watched a movie I would tried to watch the movie and deconstruct the movie at the same time. I never quite figured out how they worked until about five years ago whenever I found out that they used CGI and green screens! Now I am trying to figure out how CGI works along with green screens!