For APEX-------
gives citizens a voice deciding on its laws and leadership.
In short, the founding fathers helped unleash democratic and egalitarian forces that would put an end to "many of their enlightened hopes and their kind of elitist leadership." They "succeeded in preventing any duplication of themselves."
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This is a variation, of course, on the central argument laid out in Mr. Wood's Pulitzer Prize-winning 1992 book, "The Radicalism of the American Revolution": namely, that the Revolution helped smother the patronage, paternalism and hierarchical relationships of the 18th century and usher in a new, democratic, capitalistic world; that it undermined the whole idea of aristocracy and elitist virtue and helped bring about a new society defined by the common man.
here are the thirteen colonies! new York, new Hampshire, Pennsylvania,Massachusetts,Rhode island,Connecticut,new jersey,Delaware,Maryland,Virginia ,north Caroline, south Carolina,Georgia
hope this helped!
Rewards: laws that favored the nobles, for example those strengthening serfdom. Punishments: stipulating that they change their customs; requiring them to serve the state.
The Marshall Plan was very successful. The western European countries involved experienced a rise in their gross national products of 15 to 25 percent during this period. ... Truman extended the Marshall Plan to less-developed countries throughout the world under the Point Four Program, initiated in 1949