The correct answer is a<em> referendum</em>. This a juridical procedure in which it is submitted to vote of the population a law or a particular matter relevant for the govern. This mean obtains the popular consultation. Another name for this is the plebiscite.
<em>A province</em> is an area of specialized knowledge, interest or responsibility. Also refers to an administrative division of a country.
<em>The Quebec act </em>knows as the British North America Quebec Act was signed in 1774 and determined the procedures of governance in the province of Quebec (Canada) regarding its territory, religious matters, civil law among other issues.
Finally, <em>the Brexit</em> is a political act, (means Britain exit) from the European Union. Took place in 2006, and was done through a referendum where the people were asked if they wanted to continue being part of the European Union or not. 52% of the population voted in favor of leaving the Union.
A higher
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that the Alexa has a higher level of risk for sexually transmitted infections compared to her friend Jenna. This is mainly due to the fact that Alexa has had more sexual partners than Jenna has which means that she has a had a higher chance of having been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection than Jenna has.
Tighten the money supply
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President of the United States from 1933-1939. He was known for establishment of new deal programs which was a turning point for the citizens and country at large.
He brought up programs such as social security for the aged people,more employment opportunities for the citizens and made sure capitalism was revived.
There were various support systems for farmers and youth and made citizens have a sense of belonging in the economics of the country.
The New deal brought some relief after three years of depression caused by serious economic problems.
I think you've missed a word; do you mean: explain why do presidents think that military is important.
Military is important for security, and without the military a country can't defend itself: see the attack on Pearl Harbor.
With a strong army the president has more power and cannot be threatened by other countries.