How is Krishna depicted? The most common representation of Krishna shows him playing the flute and surrounded by adoring gopis, the wives and daughters of the cowherds. As a child, Krishna is depicted crawling on his hands and knees or dancing with joy, a ball of butter held in his hands.
I believe the correct answers are: B) They deliberately ignored the suffering of the parish children, and D) They wanted to give the impression that they were performing their work.
Apparently, all the parish officials wanted was to preserve the appearance that everything was right, while keeping up with their corrupted practice of conceiving the problems and malpractice. Their duty was to make sure that the children were cared for, but they refused to do it, fully aware of the consequences.
Bob Ewell attacks them because it's his revenge for Atticus defending Tom and showing Bob how to be a liar. Boo Radley saves them