By communication with the natives whom gave them food and hints to survive. They however ended up killing them and making them sick.
Hope this helps-
Vichy France<span>, formally </span>French<span> State, </span>French<span> État Français, (July 1940–September 1944), </span>France<span> under the regime of Marshal Philippe Pétain from the Nazi German defeat of</span>France<span> to the Allied liberation in World War II.
</span>-Almighty Leader
President Franklin Delano Roseavelt
Freedom should not be sacrificed in the name of national security.
During World War II, Japanese-Americans had a tough time. Their freedom was restricted as they were put in internment camps despite the fact that they did nothing wrong.
Due to this, their lives are ruined, some lost their businesses
Some would fight off soldiers to flee and sacrifice themselves so other Natives from their tribe could stay. The Seminole refused to leave and started a war called the Second Seminole War. Another war caused by refusual to leave was the Black Hawk War.