I interpret it as that they can hurt us, but they cannot scare us into submission.
A. Incorrect- States location of California. No clue on discovery of gold.
California borders the Pacific Ocean.
B. Correct. The term 'Golden' gives a starter on the gold discovery later.
California became known as the Golden State.
C. Incorrect. Comparing size of states.
California is our third-largest state.
D. Incorrect. Out of topic, hinting natural disasters.
California also is home to earthquakes and landslides.
i don't know what you are saying or what the answer is. This question is nutty. what's your answer.
Last week, we met several fascinating people at the conference.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who had lived in a castle.
I've owned this answer phone for three years.
They haven't sold all the tickets to the Cup Final.
D) the brand new mercedes i won in a raffle is nice.