A.) I was thrilled to find my keys they had been lost since yesterday.
This is a "fused sentence" or also known as a run-on sentence.
do something simple, teach the 4 year old something of their age, that they would like, how to make a sandwich, decorate a cookie, remember their phone number...simple and write the books in steps explaining to them in a fun way
page 1 go to the refrig and find all the things you like on your sandwich...show me what you like
page 2 all items on the counter, wash hands
page 3 bread first place it down on a cutting board
page 4 what should go on the sandwich first?
It can actually be used interchangeably
7). Dictionaries, thesauruses, online, and in books.
8). It helps you understand that it’s the opposite
9). Huge, gigantic, enormous
10). It can help you find more professional and interesting words