Give me some time and i will have it ready. I will post it for you and add the link here.
Third one: Disapproval of....involvement. <span />
The answer is yes. Melville is really criticizing the Christian Missionaries.
Because he uses many biblical, scientific, and mythological themes to built his story. The lighting -rod man is a representation of the missionares, while the narrator represents Melville beliefs. The center idea of the story is that the christianism convertion is destroying the cultures, values, and customs established before. The convertion is not about real spiritually, but about imposing the missionaries way of living. The narrator tries to dissuade his neighbors from believing in the lightining rod man, Melville believes in a God full of love and not in a God or religion imposed by fear.
Every sentence needs at least one verb, which is paired with the subject. All verbs have tense, aspect, and mood, of which there is a wide variety of combinations. These concepts are part of the foundation of accurately expressing your thoughts in writing. Verb Tense. Tense indicates when the action expressed by a verb takes place.
I don't know sorry for that