This was the Peloponnesian War. For a while, Athens was ruled by a small group of Spartans. But, for about 100 years, thousands of years ago, ancient Athens had a direct democracy, or a government in which all citizens vote on rules and laws.
(Many strongly traditional Jews reject both Bible and Testament and choose Tanakh, an acronym for the three divisions of the sacred writings: Torah, the five books of Moses; Nebiim, the books of the prophets, and Ketubim, the other sacred writings.)
Among blue-collar workers, a structural shift in China's economy, from ... The impact is pronounced in many of the hundreds of towns that ... As a local boss explains, “People simply won't pay more for a pair of socks.”
Because of the resources there and the similarity of the Indies to Brazil.
Taking into account the statement above:
"Colonies were mostly run for the benefit of mother countries, but some people believed the colonial system helped everyone because it spread European civilization. How does Kipling feel about colonialism? Write three to four sentences, using the poem to support your answer."
The answer is:
This poem implies that "Western powers" had an obligation to bring technology and Western civilization to other parts of the world. This idea is stated in the phrase "to serve your captives' need." Kipling believes this work is thankless and that the subjects may even hate or place blame on the colonial power.
Hope this helps.