filter the data
its like when you filter a search on y o u t u b e and say u search among us u can filter and say live vids or channel's
Possible if hackers are not so intelligent.
Actually, hackers are intelligent
where they will change location code in different places every second. So end-user who is trying to trace it he or she has to use their intelligence to find the exact location of hackers.
Normally hackers will generate different location places and by using decipher it is possible to find the location codes.
Since hackers used encrypted message we need to decrypts the message and find it out and understand the decrypt and encrypt technology used by hackers.
It is possible to by using decipher to get uncovered locations
Observing, Looking, Collecting, there are a few words for "gathering information with your eyes".
The answer is D) Double-Clicking
The question is a Microsoft Office Excel Question.
A sheet is also called a worksheet in Microsoft Office Excel. A sheet is a single page that holds its own collection of cells with which one can organize their data.
Sheets in Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet can run into hundreds and hundreds and is usually visible a the bottom of the excel page as tabs.
By default, the tabs or sheets are named starting from the first as Sheet 1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3...etc.
By double-clicking on the tab, one is able to change the default name to any custom name the user choses.