The second is that laughter prepares us for tough conditions. And it does always ensure good things for us, and there are many real advantages of the laughter that we can trace out. And all those can be parsed from our real life. We just need to think of a sad situation and try to realize how laughter helps us get rid of that sad situation. And that is what is the central idea of the second section.
Please check the answer section.
Survey data are collected by using all of these methods except Field Research.
In field research data has been gathered from different experiments, qualitative analysis and observations of any event.
On the other hand, survey data can be collected from Following:
<u>structured interview</u><u>:</u>
where data can be gathered by interviews and analyzed it on quantitative basis.
<u>Face to face questionnaires:</u>
Data has been collected by asking questions directly from users in the form of interview.
<u>self-administered questionnaires</u>
In this research, questionnaire has been designed to asked question related to some topic without conducting interview.
The Rectangle class was not provided in this question but after a quick online search I was able to find the class code. Due to this I was able to create a test code in the main Method of my program to create a Rectangle object and call it's display() method. The Test code and the output can be seen in the attached image below. While the code below is simply the Main Test Program as requested.
class Brainly {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(20, 8);
// program in C++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
// variable
int inp_month;
cout<<"Enter month:";
// read month
// if month is february
cout<<"Number of days in month:28"<<endl;
// if month is 4 or 6 or 9 or 11
else if(inp_month==4||inp_month==6||inp_month==9||inp_month==11)
cout<<"Number of days in month:30"<<endl;
// for others month
cout<<"Number of days in month:31"<<endl;
return 0;
Read month from user and assign it to variable "inp_month".If month is 2 then there is 28 days in the month.If input month is 4 or 6 or 9 or 11 then there is 30 days in the month.For other month there will be 31 days in month.We assume there is no leap year.
Enter month:4
Number of days in month:30
B. 01101000
For future reference you can look up decimal to binary calculators online; or binary to decimal.