The music of the United States can be characterized by the use of syncopation and asymmetrical rhythms, long and, irregular melodies. Please mark as Brainliest!
B D# F# is the correct answer
If B is the root of the chord we know major chords are 1-3-5. the third note in the b scale is d# and the fifth is f#. I hope all is well, stay safe
When three lilies are arranged in a pattern in which the largest lily is lowest and the next one up is smaller and the next one is even smaller than the second, the designer is using the technique called <em>Sequencing</em>.
What is your peice? I can help you but I just need to know what it is !
..i'm not sure
There was a point during the show where Prince was playing bass and he came out into the audience with this huge bass he knew where Michael was sitting and he walked right up to Michael and started playing bass in Michael's face.