b plants take carbon dioxide from the air
Fold mountains
When plates collide or undergo subduction (that is – ride one over another), the plates tend to buckle and fold, forming mountains. Most of the major continental mountain ranges are associated with thrusting and folding or orogenesis. Examples are the Balkan Mountains, the Jura and the Zagros mountains.
Electricity is a secondary energy source that we get from the conversion of other sources of energy such as coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power, and so on. These sources are known as “primary sources.” Primary sources can be renewable or non-renewable, but the electricity itself is neither.
thank me later
Non deciduous are evergreen trees or Shade trees are not deciduous trees. evergreen plant leaves last throughout the year.
for example a pine tree or cedar plant would be considered non deciduous because they keep leaves\ last throughout the year.
a thick semifluid mass of partially digested food and digestive secretions that is formed in the stomach and intestine during digestion. In the stomach, digestive juices are formed by the gastric glands; these secretions include the enzyme pepsin, which breaks down proteins, and hydrochloric acid.