Because the leaves contain a greater concentration of green chlorophylls than yellow and orange carotenoids.
Chlorophyll and carotenoids are both pigments found in the cells of organisms like plants. They have differing color range depending on which wavelength of light they absorb and which they reflect. For example, chlorophyll pigment are green because they reflect green light and absorb others.
According to this question, the leaves of most plants contain yellow and orange carotenoids in addition to green chlorophylls but leaves are mostly green. This is because there is an abundant of chlorophyll pigment than any other pigment in the leaves of most plants. Hence, GREEN COLOR conferred by chlorophyll dominates and masks the color appearance of the other accessory pigments like yellow and orange carotenoids.
To match the features and characteristics.
We can classify these Fungi on the basis of their features and characteristics that resembles to the different divisions of fungi. Fungi are classified in four divisions i.e. the Chytridiomycota (chytrids), Zygomycota (bread molds), Ascomycota (yeasts and sac fungi), and the Basidiomycota (club fungi). There are specific characteristics of every division of fungi so we have to match the physical features of unknown fungi with these divisions and classify them.
Drosophilia, is the genus name.
It is believed that insects are so successful because they have a protective shell or exoskeleton, they are small, and they can fly. Their small size and ability to fly permits escape from enemies and dispersal to new environments. ... In addition, insects can produce large numbers of offspring relatively quickly.