Correct answer is D
it was an unfair buisness advantage
D. George Washington is elected president.
Answer: impression management
This is a technique of putting or portraying a certain behaviour or saying certain words in order to influence how people see you , this will depend on the relationship you want to build with each person .
It plays a role in maintaining friendships, maintaining your relationship with your parents or any other relationships.
How you impress each person depends on the relationship you have with them or the relationship you want to build with them.
With his parents John wants to look like a good child who speaks the right langauge because he probably want them to see him as a person they have raised well and who has listened to what they have taught him.
He portrays moral standards to his parents so that they can be proud of him due to this good impression that he portrays .
To his friends he wants to be considered a funny, relaxed and cool guy who is full of jokes who can keep them entertained .
He wants them to have that cool guy impression of him, so that they can like him .
The House of Representatives, as the name states, is meant to represent the population of the United States. Therefore, this is only effective if it actually includes most groups in society. This can be achieved if the scale of representation is small and if there is a high turnover.
However, this is not the case nowadays, and this is indeed a problem. A larger scale of representation means people are a lot less likely to be able to voice their opinion to their representatives or influence government in any way. Moreover, the low turnover means that most people cannot hope to become a representative.