Hmmm... lemme see if this helps!
The United States wants to grant their citizens a **democracy**, which will grant freedom of the people.
Dear molly
I am writing about a concern I have about your business first of all I think that your prices are incredibly low,seconly the toys you are selling aren't attracting any people because they are old.
please consider my opinion and detailed letter about your glorious store
yours sincerely milly.
I don't agree because happiness is the exertion of virtue. Your happiness is based on your reason to be happy. Your happiness depends on morals you've acquired in life i.e.; friendship, honesty, courage. If you don't live by your moral standards you will not be happy.
B. Situational irony is when the outcome of a situation is contradictory to what is expected.
The protagonists is Scout but following close behind her is her father. Scout is a curious girl and questions all that her dad says. This gives us, the readers, a chance to really immerse ourselves into the story as we follow it alongside Scout. We further connect with her as we are "on the same boat" as her, in the sense that we only discover things as she does in the book, when she does. There is no dramatic irony ( not that i remember)