C. "Barbie Doll" has a carefree tone and "What's That Smell in Your Kitchen" has a indifferent tone.
In the character descriptions preceding the play, Jim is described as a "nice, ordinary, young man." He is the emissary from the world of normality. Yet this ordinary and simple person, seemingly out of place with the other characters, plays an important role in the climax of the play.
The audience is forewarned of Jim's character even before he makes his first appearance. Tom tells Amanda that the long-awaited gentleman caller is soon to come. Tom refers to Jim as a plain person, someone over whom there is no need to make a fuss. He earns only slightly more than does Tom and can in no way be compared to the magnificent gentlemen callers that Amanda used to have.
Jim's plainness is seen in his every action. He is interested in sports and does not understand Tom's more illusory ambitions to escape from the warehouse. His conversation shows him to be quite ordinary and plain. Thus, while Jim is the long-awaited gentleman caller, he is not a prize except in Laura's mind.
The ordinary aspect of Jim's character seems to come to life in his conversation with Laura. But it is contact with the ordinary that Laura needs. Thus it is not surprising that the ordinary seems to Laura to be the essence of magnificence. And since Laura had known Jim in high school when he was the all-American boy, she could never bring herself to look on him now in any way other than exceptional. He is the one boy that she has had a crush on. He is her ideal.
A and B are both good answer but B makes more since because in the sentence it says Frugivores live near their food so they don’t have to fly far, also Frugivores eat bananas from trees and berries so (B) is the answer.
In Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" (1751), the speaker reflects on mortality and speculates about the accomplishments of the dead people buried in the churchyard. The poem is an elegy, that is, a lament for the dead.
First of all, the speaker thinks that one of the people buried might have been a good schoolar, or even a good leader for the nation. He also talks about another dead person, in the figure of an old farmer, that might have had a lot of potential to become a great poet.
Furthermore, he believes that death and poverty have saved some people from spreading evil in the world. In addition, the speaker assures that poor people and rich people are born with the same abilities; however, he admits that moral superiority is the only goal that village people have accomplished.
Caesar thinks that the valiant bravely face death, which should not be prevented or feared.
cowards die many times
the valient taste death once
he finds it strange to fear death
death comes when it comes
good luck