"A.to help foster peace and economic collaboration among Europeans nations" is the correct answer. It was one of the solutions to ending violence after World War II.
True. the very first step is to determine your topic
What should be done in order to solve the problem of child labor?
Promoting social accountability for communities, governments, and businesses. Equipping communities — faith leaders, parents, and community groups — to monitor vulnerable children to keep them out of hazardous work and help their families survive without their child's income.Child labour often forces children into dangerous environments and deprives them of their childhood. These children also lose access to basic education and this restricts them from doing well in life.
FYI: Global estimates from the International Labor Organization indicate that 160 million children between 5-17 years old were engaged in child labor in 2021, of which about 79 million were in hazardous labor.
I agree the correct answer is A
Prim : her little sister, her whole world. she means everything to katniss and katniss would do anything for her. katniss feels like she’s the parental figure to prim as she takes care of her
mom : she is very protective over her mother as well. she is angry with her, but also feels for her. when her father died her mother became absent in her and prims lives, so this shaped katniss a lot into the protective person she is.
gale: her best friend. she feels like gale is the only one she can go to when she needs time alone. they go hunting together to get meat and trade with sellers in the town to get food and necessities for their family.
peeta: they grew a special bond during the games, and had to put on a show like they were too in love to kill each other. this made karniss protective as well.
overall, these people made katniss into the brave, protective person she is.