Similes- a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid
Example- She was as sly as a fox.
Metaphor- a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
Example-Laughter is the best medicine.
The voyage of Columbus
inaugurated a network of global trade that connected both hemispheres. Silver from the New World was minted into the peso de ocho, a widely accepted currency that connected major trade systems. In the Pacific, the Spanish colony of Manila connected the New World with Asia markets; much of the New World's silver ended up in China. Despite this new level of global connectivity, this era saw major disruptions and changes in trade networks. Attempts by Portugal and Spain to monopolize trade in the Indian Ocean led to the down fall of the Swahili cities and the fall of Malacca. In Africa, the incorporation of West Africa into the Atlantic system drew the focus of trade from Trans-Saharan to the west. The fall of Constantinople to the Muslim Ottomans and Vasco DaGama’s maritime route to the Indian Ocean lessened Europe’s dependence upon Silk Road trade. The Atlantic System would emerge as the premier trade system in this era.
translate to spanish
The correct answer is - 25 miles.
The journey/postal/communication relay system established in the Mongol Empire had stations set on approximately 25 miles, though there were variations from around 20 to around 30 miles.
This system was set up because the empire was enormous, so the quick travel of information was key for its functioning and proper organization.
The system, known as yam or ortoo, was very simple but very effective. For the means of travel the horse was the animal that was used, and the Mongols estimated the distance at which a single horse can be giving its maximum in speed, so they put up stations at distances where the horse's speed will start to decline because of exhaustion. The rider of the horse was either giving the message to another rider, or he was taking food and water with him, as well as a new, rested horse, and continued to the other station.