Yes because it is informal
One of my favorite parts of the trip was seeing the Statue of Liberty. I learned that it was a gift to the "United States" from the French. On another day, we met the Mayor; his name was Mayor Bloomberg. Mom and dad thought it was outrageous how expensive everything was. Dad said, “next year we’re going to Las Vegas.”
Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.
Although Christmas is all about traditions, there are plenty of very interesting and sometimes even weird things about this holiday. Do you know why Rudolph the reindeer has a red nose? What people eat for Christmas dinner in Japan? How does Santa stretch the time in order to deliver all the gifts in just one night? We collected the most interesting and bizarre Christmas facts from all over the world: this holiday can be very surprising!
Malcom wants to kill Macbeth for revenge after Macbeth killed Macduff's entire family, who was Malcom's friend. (Also to become king.)
The first people to be called 'English' were the Anglo-Saxons, a group of closely related Germanic tribes that began migrating to eastern and southern Great Britain, from southern Denmark and northern Germany, in the 5th century AD, after the Romans had withdrawn from Britain.