The first step is to change 25% into a decimal:
25% = 0.25
Next, multiply 150 and 0.25
150 × 0.25 = 37.5
Lastly, add 150 and 37.5 since 37.5 is 25% of 150
150 + 37.5 = 187.5
Have a good day :)
The Americas! The discovery of the new world opened up a new output for products like gold and silver. (Especially silver for Spain) The Columbian exchange resulted in foods such as the potato being brought over to Europe. Did you know the first potatoes were actually from Peru! Labor animals like cows and bulls were brought over to the new world. This was basically the only good thing about the Columbian exchange for the AMericas. Europe mostly just gave the Americas disease and death.
Acts recommended by Grant and imposed by Congress to try to protect black voters from intimidation and violence
The three bills passed by the United States Congress between 1870 and 1871 are the Enforcement Acts. They were criminal codes which covered the African-Americans' right to vote, to hold office, to be on the favor of the juries, and receive equal protection of laws.