The 2008 recession/financial crises one of the worst of its kind in a generation. Major economies including the United States and the UK suffered a period of recession, consistent low-growth, rising unemployment and many businesses closing down.
A 10-member committee called the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission was setup by the US government to study the causes of the recession, in the hopes that a future similar crisis could be prevented.
In 2011, the committee released their findings and pointed out the two major reasons for the crisis:
1. The basic reason for the crises as the Collapse of the housing market.
2. Which in turn was fueled by toxic mortgages, low-interest and easy credit available to everyone and minimal regulation.
The report also pointed out vast problems of corporate governance, lack of government will and unpreparedness.
The taxes for the Stamp Act had to be paid for with British money. They would not take colonial paper money.
John Adams, future president of the United States, wrote a series of resolutions protesting the tax.
The French and Indian War was called the Seven Years War in England.
The British Parliament really thought that the tax was fair. It was not their intention to oppress the colonists.
The Sons of Liberty was started by Massachusetts' patriot Sam Adams.
Lord Baltimore : ________.
Lord Baltimore, also known as George Calvert, 1st Baron of Baltimore, was interested in the English colonization of the New World to establish a refuge for England's Catholic population. Calvert was instrumental in the British settlement of Avalon, located off of the coast of Canada's Newfoundland.
Q1: D) the US warning European interference in Latin America would lead to US intervention
Q2: A) it served as a key naval base during the Spanish American War
Proof of Q2:
"When war broke out with Spain in 1898, the military significance of Hawaiian naval bases as a way station to the SPANISH PHILIPPINES outweighed all other considerations. President William McKinley signed a joint resolution annexing the islands.