Answer:The point of view of a person refers to an opinion created. In literature when we use the term point of view, we are dealing with the idea of perspective from which the story is being told, whereas the voice is the combination of language, diction, or the choice of words, and tone used to tell a story. The point of view can be in favor of certain characters or situations and the voice carries or gives voice to the thoughts of the characters in a literary piece.
I think the word that means the same as "to cause" or "to impose" is "inflict."
But I'm not entirely certain...I hope this helps!
If animals are kept captive for to long they sometimes get a little agitated
In Crusoe's second trip, he characterizes as an adventurous person. It is an adventure that offers him an expense free travel with the captain, and toys and trifles worth 40 Euros for him to carry. He learns a lot from this free trip.
You want to locate the BEST/MAIN POINTS/EVENTS that are relevant to the story. Then, you summarize those key points into your own words, and create your own "story"
instead of wating for an answer you can do it now and get over it JUst to let u know and i dont think people would spend there time in doing so, just giving you a heads up.