Alpha is first trial run
Beta usually comes next, with patches and fixes to problems or shortfalls in the Alpha test release
Then more tweaks/fixes comes a full public rollout.
Believe Android release 11.0 beta version testing started in June of 2020.
................. crackhead
I'm going to assume this is Java, because you said "method" meaning it will be some sort of object oriented language, and Java's really common. Here would be the full program, but you can just take the method out isolated if you need it.
package lastname;
public class LastName {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Example usage:
String name = LastName.lastName("Garrett Acord");
// Output: Acord G.
public static String lastName(String fullName)
String[] splitName = fullName.split(" ");
return String.format("%s %s.", splitName[1], splitName[0].substring(0,1) );
Device B is Router.
Router is the device that is used to connect different networks to communicate with each other to make possible for all devices of all networks to communicate with each other that are connected to that particular network.
In above case, Device A is 8 port switch that makes a network of 8 different computers. Device C is a 4 port hub that is connected with 4 computers. Both Device A and Device C are different Networks, router is used to connect both all devices of both networks so that they can communicate each other. So the Device B should be router.