A programming language is not used to talk from human to human. It is used to talk from a human to a computer. Computers are very dumb compared to us, so they need to be taught or spoken to in simple terms. Asking them something complex is far beyond their understanding, as they cannot learn anything beyond what has already been taught to them. Using print: “Hello, World” is the way to tell them to do stuff way less complex than when we say ‘write the words Hello, World on the screen’. A programming language is also not very easy to create. Talking to a computer in a dumb way reduces the process to make a new language for the computer to understand.
To convert a decimal number to a binary number we have to constantly divide the decimal number by 2 till the decimal number becomes zero and the binary number is writing the remainders in reverse order of obtaining them on each division.
Hence the binary number is 10111.001
To convert binary to hexa decimal we to make a group 4 binary bits starting from the decimal and moving outwards if the last group is not of 4 then add respective 0's and write the corresponding hexa decimal number.
<u>0001</u> <u>0111</u> . <u>0010</u>
1 7 2
Hence the hexadecimal number is 17.2
"Nevaeh thinks of a name for her new company", "Alexis thinks of an idea for a new product" and "Josiah writes a poem" are open to copyright because they can claim that their work is original and cannot be reproduced without their consent.