1) Beowulf as a loyal, deserving assistant possesses great Germanic heroic attributes as pride, loyalty and courtesy. He explores his heroism through three difficult phases with Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon. His reputation for bravery is enhanced when he defeats Grendel and Grendel’s bother with courage and establishes himself as a hero.
2) The recurring use of alliteration in Beowulf enhances the imagery and rhythm in the poem.
Alliteration is a literary device, repetition of the consonants in row, sound stressing syllable of a phrase. In Beowulf narrator engages the listener by the use of alliteration.
Example: “ Marshes, and made his home in hell,” in “The Wrath of Grendel”, describes and creates the image of Grendel’s home as frightening, horrible and a hellish place. Such description creates a sense of fear among listeners.
3) The magnitude of the Beowulf hero's battle with the dragon is increased because Beowulf is not as young as he once was. Beowulf’s transition between his two phases of life- youth and age, separated by fifty years, gradually is dictated by the Germanic heroic code.
The last line was short to show that the boat disappeared quickly.
The line isn't long, and she says that the wave was greedy, licking it from the coast, and that her little craft was lost. So, the boat has disappeared.
Answer: The characters motivations, were that they needed to participate in the lottery, or they may be picked.
Reducing the Impact of Negative Stereotypes on the Careers of Minority and Women Scientists
By Daisy GrewalNov. 26, 2010 , 10:00 AM

Social science research powerfully demonstrates how stereotypes, even those that people are not consciously aware of, can influence the careers of women and minorities. For example, people rate the quality of a scientific paper differently depending on whether they think a man or a woman wrote it. Stereotypes also reduce the self-esteem, motivation, and intellectual performance of women and minorities through a process called stereotype threat. Stereotype threat reduces performance in situations where an individual might confirm a negative stereotype about his or her group. In one example, researchers found that African-American college students performed worse on an SAT test when the students had been told that the test is a valid measure of intelligence.
Apollo, the son of Zeus and Leto, is associated with/the god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the sun and light, poetry, and other literary/art related subjects.